A Better Bronx

The Bronx Community Foundation supports and invests in community power to eradicate inequity and build sustainable futures for all Bronxites.
Exciting News

The Bronx Community Foundation proudly announces former New York City Schools Chancellor Dr. Meisha Porter as its inaugural President and CEO.

Why We Exist

The Bronx Community Foundation (BxCF) is the first and only community foundation in The Bronx, solely dedicated to delivering resources to the entire borough. Our model is unique in that we engage community stakeholders across the borough in identifying challenges and designing solutions that create four pillars of sustainability:

  • Community
  • Equity & Justice
  • Economic Security
  • Health

We believe that it’s the power of the people that drives the change. The strength and durability of our strategic solutions come from investing in and pooling our resources, talents, and expertise to create tangible and sustainable improvements to the quality of life in our community. Meaning Bronxites helping Bronxites.

How We Do It

Our focus is to be community-driven and working with place-based organizations to realize a resilient and prosperous Bronx. We are not just a grant-making institution. To make significant progress, we take a unique and strategic role in working with the community to define a community-wide common agenda, and we take a collaborative and participatory philanthropic approach toward solving challenges. We accomplish this through engaging organizations and individuals from the nonprofit, education, government, and business sectors in participatory decision-making.

Our Community Power approach empowers partners to co-identify priority areas, undertake quick wins, and set ourselves up for the development of a common agenda in order to create system and institutional change. Once strategic solutions are defined, we fund, create, and help to lead collaboratives focused on solving those challenges.

We have a four-step Community Power framework:
  1. Collaborate
  2. Strategically Plan
  3. Empower
  4. Implement
Our Community Power model empowers stakeholders to agree on priority areas and collaborate to overcome the disparities that have plagued The Bronx for decades.

Your Donations In Action

Nonprofit Economic Relief
$ 0 +
Working with Hostos Center for Bronx Nonprofits, supporting vital community-based nonprofits with 50 to 75 grants (grants are between $5,000 – $50,000)
Food Security
0 +
Working with organizations such as BronxWorks, New York Common Pantry, Rap4Bronx, Bronx Private Industry Council, World Central Kitchen, Bronx Impact and many local restaurants, pantries, and Community Fridges we delivered over 2.5 million meals, 1,800+ grocery bags per week to families, and more than 29,000 lb. of fresh produce.
Equity & Justice
$ 0 +

Working with Bronx Defenders we provided microgrants and we are also working on a participatory defense hub.

Help us “Build A Better Bronx” by donating today!
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